Peura Lifestyle Photography

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah’s Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

I’m a Worthington Newborn Photographer and I’m so excited to share Noah’s newborn session with you today! This was the sweetest family to work with and I loved every second of it. Matt and Chelsea have one daughter, Victoria, who is three and a half years old, and a sweet pup named Rose. Baby Noah is the final piece of the puzzle.

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

Worthington Newborn Photographer

As a Worthington Newborn Photographer, I love working with families to make their newborn photography sessions special. I’m always open to ideas and requests from my clients to make a session personalized. This family wanted to get a photo out in the front of their house because they did this when Victoria was a baby, so they wanted to continue the tradition with Noah as well. Such a cute idea! This worked out perfectly because it was a beautiful, warm spring day.

During an in-home newborn session, I typically will work with families in the rooms with the best lighting! Usually this includes the master bedroom. But I also like to work in the nursery (for obvious reasons). And that’s what we did here. Noah’s nursery had fantastic lighting and it’s such an adorable room! It was on the smaller side, but believe it or not, you don’t need a big room or even lots of windows to have good photos!

Fun for the Whole Family

While baby Noah was the star of the show, we also got some great family photos, too. You can truly tell how much Victoria loves her baby brother and wanted to help as much as possible! I love to see the bond between siblings. The excitement that older siblings show when they’re loving on their new baby sibling is just the sweetest thing in the world.

I also love when a family asks if their furry family members can be involved. Pets are family, too! Check out this blog post if you want more information on including pets in your photo session.

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

young girl cuddles newborn baby brother

family of 4 pose for professional photos in ohio

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

father holds newborn son for professional pictures in dayton ohio

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

Worthington Newborn Photographer | Noah's Newborn Session | Columbus Newborn Photographer

I loved working with Noah’s family, and I hope that you all enjoy this session as much as I did. Thank you to this beautiful family for trusting me with their precious babe.

If you want to book a newborn session of your own, reach out to me here. Let’s get started!
Talk soon, Janelle

June 23, 2024

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