

About Janelle

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About Janelle




Client Testimonial

Janelle has helped me juggle all of the moving parts of being a business owner by taking editing off of my plate. Once I send a gallery to her, I know it will be edited with great quality and consistency, which gives me peace of mind. Her turnaround is quick and helps me in providing a great client experience in my business!

-Taylor Brown PhotoGraphy

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            After working years of a set Monday-Friday schedule I found editing! I fell in love with the idea of transforming raw photos into beautiful memories, memories cherished by my clients and their families for generations to come. I love working with photographers in my niche, helping them grow their businesses by freeing them up from the burden of editing!  

             I live in a small township in Northwestern Ohio. My husband Kyle serves full time in the Ohio Army National Guard. We have two pets: our Goldendoodle puppy Oliver and rescue cat Winston! You may have guessed that we have a lot of laughter in our home! We are a Christian family and value our faith in Jesus Christ. In our free time we enjoy kayaking and playing board or card games (our favorite is Catan!). We also enjoy spending time with our families. During the week I love starting my day bright and early with a nice steaming cup of coffee. 

hi, I'm JAnelle

Are you a busy overworked photographer? Then you are in the right place!

Why should i outsource my editing?

-Outsourcing your editing is a wonderful way to free up your time, allowing you to focus on what you truly love. . . taking the photos!

-Knowing that your photos will be edited and returned promptly gives you peace of mind that your clients will be satisfied. Additionally, it also opens up more time for you to spend with your family.

-Working with Peura Photo Editing is not about mindless editing, it is about working together as a team to help you build your business without sacrificing your valuable time. 

-If you are still a little unsure, then fill out the contact form below and I will answer any questions you have! 

Thank you!

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